Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Cocooning Theory

As you know we travel a fair bit and I have noticed a peculiar habit in human behaviour.

Have you ever been on a tour bus and watched people fill the seats? Invariably they start at the front and fill in every seat toward the back of the bus.

Rarely do you see them skip a row, as if they have to keep in perfect order.

Strange thing is, we have seen this happen over and over again and yet the back of the bus is empty!

The first 20 seats fill with everyone crammed into a tiny little space with bags on their laps and practically sitting on top of each other. By the way it works on boats too!

Why does this happen?

Well, I have a theory and I call it The Cocooning Theory. I believe humans have a basic need to belong with the pack. Perhaps it is a sheep mentality of just following blindly what the person in front does but I believe it goes deeper. Humans I believe need to belong and satisfy a need for security with the old adage of there is strength in numbers.

Not us, we head right to the back of the bus and grab a double seat each. Ahhh space!

Be a rebel grab a seat at the back!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hummingbirds - So tiny, so big!


We met this little fellow when we stopped at a roadside cafe in Costa Rica this winter. In fact there were dozens of these tiny mini jets zooming around our heads as we looked at the flower gardens.

I never knew they could make such a racket. These birds are very territorial and when some other bird gets near their spot they let them know it! For such a small creature they can make a lot of noise! Does that sound like anyone you know?

What can we learn from such a small non aggressive little bird? Perhaps sometimes it’s the little guy you have to watch out for that is making all the noise...

Or, how about this, you don’t have to be a big dog to get the attention of others?

The list could go on forever when it comes to the hummingbird.

These little powerhouses beat their wings anywhere from 12-80 times per second! And you thought your heart rate gets going when you go jogging...

Size, does it matter? Well frankly, yes, to a hummingbird. They have to land on the most precarious perches. If they were a “normal” sized bird they would break the flower. I think hummingbirds are nature’s idea of a bee on steroids!

Colourful and fun to watch they can brighten your day just by buzzing by. You know people in your life like that don’t you? 

Tell them they brighten your day, it will probably brighten theirs!