Monday, June 11, 2012


So as I was sitting on the deck working hard... (yeah right) this morning I saw a small black image scurry off to my right.


It scurried away into a hole in the ground near the garage.

Now being the intrepid hunter I am, I considered my options. After all this is man's work, Barb would freak out if she saw a mouse. What to do? Should I fill in the hole? Set a trap near the hole?

Where is my dog when I need her?

I could call for help, cause I am a chicken when it comes to this stuff. Hey, these things have teeth!

I went for technology. A better mousetrap!

Well actually just one of the cheap ones you buy at the hardware store. You know the kind, these are made of wood and if you don't move fast bang your finger is toast.

Now we live in the country, actually on an island. Not sure how this little rodent made it here, (maybe an Olympic swimmer) but there is a causeway. But that is usually just a great spot for roadkill of these varmints.

Squirrels don't fare much better on that road...

But I digress, so this great white hunter set the trap (without setting it off, a minor miracle in itself) and went back to working on the laptop.

About 15 minutes later, SNAP!

As I looked around the corner cautiously I half expected to see poor Mickey in his final throes...

So what did I see, a trap upside down, clearly set off, and a chipmunk booking it down the garden path for anywhere away from me and the trap!

Must have scared the devil out of him... :)

Now, I like chipmunks sort of, and I know all of you do, so rather than tick off all our friends and clients I removed the trap and went with other methods for the mouse.

My neighbour has this 300 pound cat that has been looking a little peckish lately, perhaps an invitation to dinner is in order...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Employees-Don't beat 'em, Treat 'em

Have you ever watched the TV show Undercover Boss?

The theme is simple, the boss goes undercover to discover for him/her self how the employers are feeling about the company what efficiencies can be improved etc...

More often than not the boss is shocked to learn about their employees. It makes for interesting TV.

The key result every time I have watched this show is that people just want to be recognized for being people.

Sure it's great PR for the company to do this and the employee usually gets a bonus, but the big plus is that the employee is recognized as a human being.

Tears are shed, promises made and change generally happens.

Do you have to go undercover to find these things out in your organization? I don't think so.

By remembering their style either say, "Thanks for a job well done" or "You are awesome!" It's that simple.

Treat them with the respect they deserve rather than beat them into your way of thinking, it does work, heck maybe you want to show this to YOUR boss!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

4 Ways to respond to the "D" Style

Here are four simple ways to respond when working with a "D" style individual..
1. Use a firm and direct tone
2. Focus on action and goals
3. Ask: What type of questions
4. Expect a challenge from this style, it shows interest on their part!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Progress at what price?

Recently I was visiting at the Peterborough Hospital.

I used to know the old building pretty well, as two of our three kids were born there.

A few years ago they tore down the old buildings to build a beautiful and very modern Regional Health Centre. It is state of the art and will serve our community well for many years. The modern technology and design all add to a facility that is designed to take the community well into the future with the best of patient care.

As I was walking, I noticed this stained glass window in a wood framed case.It has a special place here but you have to wonder about the significance the world puts on the Good Samaritan today. Whatever your personal beliefs are, this was the sentiment of the day when the original Peterborough Civic Hospital was built.

Kudos to the hospital board for keeping the image and displaying it still. Undoubtedly, it would have politically easier to store it in a warehouse in the minds of many.

In the end I believe hospitals and health care centres are still about mercy and caring and coming to the aid of those less fortunate.

If we leave this behind, what price do we pay for progress?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Whats on the other side?

As many of you know Barb and I also own a performing arts school called stagecoach schools.
The year-end show is coming up and we are working on the sets for the stage as you can see in this picture.
The picture shows the infrastructure of the set, the important part is on the other side where all the painting happens.
Its a little bit like our personalities, what we show the world isn't always what's on the inside.
Maybe that is where the phrase putting your best face forward came from?