Saturday, May 18, 2013

May Two Four

May Two Four.
If you are a Canadian then you know what that means. This is that unique weekend spent by Canadians to celebrate the end of winter. After all when you have what seems like 82 months of winter you are doing anything to welcome summer!
This is the traditional weekend for planting the flowers getting outside and enjoying the sun. The boats are back here on the lake and every few minutes we hear another engine buzzing by.
This long weekend we have two guests, our three-year-old granddaughter and a six-year-old British bulldog who can snore as loud as I can!
Just imagine the great memories that we will create in these few days for that little girl. Fishing in the lake, planting flowers, sowing the vegetable garden, all life experiences that sadly we get too busy to enjoy with our hectic lives when we are young. Almost forgot, tonight we get to go to the fireworks at Little lake! ( not sure who is more excited about that one)
I think this is one of the greatest blessings of being a grandparent, getting to spend that quality time to mentor and teach and have fun! I was way too serious when our kids were growing up, so now, I get to act like a goof and the three little girls love it! The goofier the better! In fact I think I do a pretty good Goofy impression. 
Jessica (the three yr old) and I were pretty much rolling on the ground with laughter yesterday as we worked the flower beds in preparation for today's planting. 
A trip to the market this morning and we are good to go with the planting. She pooped out on me though and is taking a nap... Again, why is it I can't take one of those Barb? 
So we are all ready to do our duty on this May two four weekend. 
Heck there may even be a bottle of beer in it for Grandpa!

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