Thursday, August 8, 2013

Afraid of Speaking in Public? Give a Eulogy

Does the thought of making a presentation or speaking in front of others nauseate you?

Many people suffer from this affliction and their careers also suffer because of it. After all, who wants a CEO who is afraid to speak to his shareholders?

So, what to do?

When my dad passed away a few years ago (well several years ago now) I had the honour of delivering the eulogy. Now, as a professional speaker this was no big deal but it hurt to watch my sister who does not like to speak in public (no problem privately LOL) could not bring herself to say anything. She is one of the most caring people I know and it was painful to watch her through the process. Her fear of speaking stopped her from sharing that precious moment.

Here is the thing about giving a eulogy. It is a safe environment.

You are speaking about someone whom you loved or respected, admired, or who mentored you. Who in the group could criticize your good intentions of speaking from your heart? If they did, who will look worse you, or the one making the comment?

 It is a safe environment.

That is the point, we can all speak about a subject we are passionate about whether it is a eulogy about a loved one, a hobby like gardening, children or grandchildren, a favourite vacation, there are lots of topics you have in your mind already.

The secret is the safe environment.

If you are a church goer, offer to read scripture.

Now this is a funny one. I used to get nervous when I read scripture at church! Yup, a professional speaker and I would shake like a leaf. My knees would rattle, my voice would quiver; I was a wreck.

Then one Sunday it hit me, if I can’t expect mercy from this group because I mess up a word or two (have you seen some of the names of the tribes in the old testament?) then perhaps it is time for a new church.

It is a safe environment.

So here they are; two keys really to speaking in public...

Speak about something you are passionate about.

Speak in a safe environment.

You are not in grade seven anymore having to memorize a speech and say it in front of a heartless crowd, you are an adult who is successful in all areas of your life and want to overcome this hurdle.

Go for it!

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