Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Tips

Halloween Tips

Want more candy at Halloween? Use your unique personality style to make the best presentation.

Here's how...

If you are a "D" style let your little brother or sister go first. They are probably an S, I, or C and will have that really "cute" approach that parents always fall for... :) As a natural leader this may prove challenging for you but if you let them go first your haul may be bigger...

If you are an "S" style and naturally shy, let your friend who is the high "D" style go first. They appear to be fearless! Your natural manners will increase the booty big time.

If you are a "C" style SMILE!!!!! Remember this is fun and there is candy. "C" style are usually not natural smilers so if this is difficult for you a ghost costume works great! I wore a LOT of ghost costumes.

And if you are an "I" just be you. You always have fun in all you do and people want to join in, so don't be afraid to lead the pack! Inspire the others with your energy!

One final tip for all styles... keep an eye on your parents and your candy when you get home. After they have checked it out look out for that high "C" dad who is on the candy cruise... LOL

Have fun and be safe.

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